Spring Snow Hike Pictorial

October 28th, 2009 Posted in day to day

Written by Shanie

Technically in spring, a person isn’t supposed to be happy to see all of the snow that has fallen in the last couple of days. But being a pure fan of the glistening white stuff, I have to admit that it puts a special jump in my step.

To appreciate the unexpected blanket of frozen moisture the canine kids and I took a stroll up one of our favorite hikes…Bergen’s 14th birthday hike, in fact…though, today’s journey was quite a bit more slick. It reminded me a little of glissading.

Well, anyway…here are some shots from the outing to give homage to our little gift from the Snow Gods.

Black and White Spring Snow

The day was so spectacular in fact, the condors came out to play…


It was another one of those days in the Patagonian forest that was appreciated by all…


  1. 3 Responses to “Spring Snow Hike Pictorial”

  2. By Kelly on Oct 28, 2023

    Bergen looks amazing! He looks so healthy. I can’t believe he is fourteen years. Our dog is thirteen and and she still loves her walks too.

    Btw, greetings to both of you-I have been following your blog for months, ever since seriously considering living in Bariloche while taking spanish lessons. I really enjoy the pictures and the spanish expressions.


  3. By Patagonia on Oct 28, 2023

    Thanks for the kind words Kelly! They mean a lot!!

    Cheers to you as well, for giving your canine kiddo the love she needs to make it into a ripe ol’ age. (:

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