Catedral Hosts Chayanne in Concert

February 21st, 2008 Posted in culture, day to day, entertainment, lifestyle

Written by Shanie

Wednesday night the musician and Puerto Rican heart throb Chayanne played an outdoor concert for more or less 6000 excited fans. It was a one-of-a-kind in that Catedral, the ski area, created the parking lot into a concert arena. The weather participated with a glorious sunset and eclipsed moon.

The concert was originally scheduled for Monday night but Chayanne was caught up in custom’s issues in Florida so he didn’t make it till Wednesday. That didn’t deter his adoring fans. People from all over the Neuquen and Rio Negro provinces were in attendance. Even his two hour tardiness in starting the concert didn’t seem to affect the boisterous attitudes much. Though, as it neared the eleven o’clock hour and the chill of the night seaped through the summer jackets the spectators impatience started to show with impromptu chants.

“Donde esta Chayanne?” (Where is Chayanne?)

“No eres Maradona!” (You’re not Maradona, speaking of the king of Argentina, soccer-star Maradona; he is the only person Argentinians are happy to wait for.)”

“Hace frio aca!” (It’s cold out here!)

The thousands of by-standers chanted loudly, dancing to their spontaneous songs of expression.

At 11 pm sharp the musicians entered the stage. A very humble and appreciative Chayanne came onto the stage and started the concert with a love ballad. Immediately the women swooned, some were brought to tears. It was obvious that the Argentines loved this man.

By the second song Chayanne was joined by a crew of dancers- two ladies and four guys. The song Boom! Boom! got the crowd dancing and the chilly air was forgotten. At around the fourth song about a hundred people from the campo area (general admission or field section) decided to jump the fence and take over an area by the stage that was sitting empty. We followed suit. It was amazing to me that the security guards smiled at us as we jumped the fence. For us it was great, but for the people that payed the big bucks for the seats up front-not so much.

Over all the concert was quite entertaining. It was a little cheesy at times and a little like a Disneyland show during others, but all in all it was well worth the twenty dollars.

And hopefully Catedral thought it was worth it too. It was a great arena for live music and a perfect place to appreciate the beauty of Bariloche.

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