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For Carol

February 23rd, 2008 Posted in day to day

Written by Shanie

I found out last night that a dear friend succumbed to her horrible and painful fight with cancer. It has been a hard day, but I am trying to feel peace that she is not suffering anymore.

Jamie, the dogs and I went for a hike up one of our favorite mountains to do our own private service for her and appreciate what I know she would of loved if she had been able to see it. While hiking I thought about how much she had inspired me at the pivotal age of my late teens and early twenties to become who I am today.

She was the first person to really impress upon me that living life to the fullest was what life is about. Not working in a cubicle. Not amassing the most toys possible. Not living in debt and wishing that you were doing something else. No, the purpose of life is to be happy and spread that love and happiness to others. Live life as you feel it is right for you to live it and believe in yourself. If you are creating happiness in this world through your own actions then you are affecting the world in a positive way. So do it.

Her words of wisdom helped me to move into the mountains. If it wasn’t for her helping me to believe in myself, I don’t think I would be where I am at today.

In her fight with cancer she commented to me that our culture and society runs and hides from death. She had wished that we were stronger, that we could face it, talk about it and embrace it. Not be so insulated and scared to talk about the reality of death, for it is something that will eventually happen to us all. In embracing it, we embrace life and appreciate it more.

Today on my hike I thought about her important lessons that she has taught me and vow that I will continue to live life as she had hoped I would. I will, also, not be afraid to acknowledge the various aspects of life, including death. I know that she was proud of me and was glad that I was making steps towards helping those less fortunate. I hope that she will be able to see where my work takes me. I believe that her lessons will touch more people than she ever knew.

I love you Carol. You will always be with me, but, at the same time, dearly missed.

  1. 4 Responses to “For Carol”

  2. By steve on Feb 23, 2024

    it sounds like she was a very special person. it’s never easy to lose a dear friend, but it sounds like you have great memories to hold on to. take care of yourself, shanie. hope to see you and jamie sometime soon.

  3. By Patagonia on Feb 24, 2024

    Thank you Steve for your kind words. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon, as well. Besos.

  4. By Sonja on Feb 24, 2024

    this story moved me so much, shanie. What a compassionate tribute to your friend. and the photo of the branch reaching toward the clouds is just as eloquent!

  5. By Patagonia on Feb 24, 2024

    Thank you so much Sonja. You’re kind words mean so much.

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