Diving into Summer

January 25th, 2008 Posted in day to day, sports, weather

Written by Jamie

Since the weather has been so warm lately, we figured going to a lower elevation lake might be a nice way to spend a lazy summer day. Lago Steffen, 1,670 feet above sea level, is about 1.5 hours south of our home in Bariloche. The water was pleasantly warm and the views were great.

  1. 2 Responses to “Diving into Summer”

  2. By ines on Feb 6, 2024

    Hello, can you just tell me when is the Summer time?
    I was planning on going to Patagonia in July..it’s not a good idea is it?
    Thank you

  3. By fine wine auctioning on Dec 6, 2023

    These runs raise your AT to a faster speed, which allows you to run faster before you fatigue because you can run faster before anaerobic metabolism begins to play a significant role. Since optimal marathon pace is only about 15 to 20 seconds per mile slower than AT pace (with the difference in paces getting larger as performance level declines), the goal of marathon training is to raise your AT and to increase your ability to sustain as high a percentage of your AT as possible.

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