Archive for June, 2009

Proposed Golf Course Rejected

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 Posted in business, sports | 3 Comments »

Written by Shanie As we posted earlier, plans had been submitted by Jack Nicklaus to create a 552 hectare (1,364 acres) golf course, hotel and subdivision of high class homes. ANBariloche is reporting that the proposal was turned down. According to the Planning ...

Looking for a Home

Monday, June 29th, 2009 Posted in day to day | 1 Comment »

Written by Jamie We figured using the blog would be an excellent way to get the word out. This homeless, sweet and well-behaved dog has been in our neighborhood for sometime. As much as we would like to adopt her ourselves, we just ...

Picture of the Week

Saturday, June 27th, 2009 Posted in picture of the week | 2 Comments »

Yesterday morning's sunrise on Cerro Tronador

Aerolineas Argentina to Modernize Fleet

Friday, June 26th, 2009 Posted in travel | 1 Comment »

Written by Jamie According to etravelbackboard, Aerolineas Argentina is going to be adding 11 new planes to the fleet. Apparently the airline has one of the oldest groups of planes of any airline in the world. As we posted about back in July ...

Hongo de Sombrero

Thursday, June 25th, 2009 Posted in flora | 17 Comments »

Written by Shanie Although we haven't spoken about fungus much, the chlorophyll-lacking, organic matter-eating, simple-cellular organism of kingdom Fungi is one of my favorite visual sideshows in the forest. The northern Patagonian climate is a fantastic growing environment for the mushroom ...

¡Lindo Dia!

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 Posted in day to day | 1 Comment »

Written by Jamie I love Bariloche. Not only is the beauty inspiring, but it makes for fabulous photo opportunities... Corazon on the shores of Lago Gutiérrez, Estancia Peuma Hue

Phrase of the Week

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009 Posted in phrase of the week | 2 Comments »

dar vueltas a un tema:to give returns to a topic. This would be used to explain "talking in circles." Given the amount of times we have encountered this, it is surprising it took 4 years of living in Argentina to learn what ...

It’s Official

Monday, June 22nd, 2009 Posted in day to day, sports, travel | No Comments »

Written by Shanie Although it is yet to be confirmed which lifts exactly, word has it Catedral is opening this Friday. The snow gods have been kind to us in the last week and the upper mountain is looking white. Let's all ...

Happy Winter Solstice!

Sunday, June 21st, 2009 Posted in weather | 1 Comment »

This afternoon in the neighborhood!

Picture of the Week

Saturday, June 20th, 2009 Posted in picture of the week | 5 Comments »

Tide Pools on the Atlantic Coast of Patagonia