Archive for October, 2008

You know it’s Spring When…

Friday, October 31st, 2008 Posted in flora | 1 Comment »

Written by Shanie I know it's spring time when the lilacs start giving off their powerful, uplifting aroma. For me it always brings back memories as a little girl of cutting the flowers for May Day, putting them in bundles, laying ...

Looking for a Family

Thursday, October 30th, 2008 Posted in day to day | 7 Comments »

Written by Shanie I can't say I have ever seen anything quite like it. Tuesday evening we came home from El Bolsón to find a strange dog sitting in front of our guest house. Our guests had no idea where he had ...

Phrase of the Week

Thursday, October 30th, 2008 Posted in phrase of the week | No Comments »

moco de pavo:turkey snot. Describes something simple to do. El sendero es moco de pavo:The trail is very easy.

Maradona to Coach National Team

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 Posted in sports | 4 Comments »

Written by Jamie As reported by Yahoo, the colorful Diego Maradona will become the new coach of the World Cup team. I won't pretend to know much about futbol and comment on the decision in a coaching sense. According to the article, an overwhelming ...

Carving Masterpieces

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 Posted in culture, lifestyle | 10 Comments »

Written by Shanie One thing about the Lakes District that I love is the wood carving craftsmanship. Whether we are talking about intricate log cabin masterpieces with descriptive hobbit-style doors or stumps of wood that become a piece of art, the ...

Cosas Lindas

Monday, October 27th, 2008 Posted in cosas lindas | 24 Comments »

Written by Jamie We were talking on our hike today about all the "cool things" Argentina has to offer, part of it's allure, if you will. For that reason, we have decided to create a new category, cosas lindas. Here is the first ...

Picture of the Week

Saturday, October 25th, 2008 Posted in picture of the week | 4 Comments »

Spring has sprung, Arroyo Casa de Piedra this afternoon.

Nationwide Pot Banging Session Scheduled

Friday, October 24th, 2008 Posted in culture, day to day, lifestyle | 12 Comments »

Written by Jamie I received an invitation on Facebook of a "Cazerolazo en Todo El País" this afternoon, from 7-10pm. The government has announced plans to nationalize the pension program. This is way beyond my scope, but Bloomberg has some good articles on it. Needless ...

Phrase of the Week

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 Posted in phrase of the week | 2 Comments »

caliente la pava pero no ceba los mates:he/she heats up the kettle, but doesn't serve the mates. One would use this to describe someone who just flirts/teases, but doesn't proceed.

Los Nocheros en Vivo

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 Posted in culture | 3 Comments »

Written by Jamie When people ask us what we miss about living in California, our list always includes friends, skiing fast, spicy food and live music. Whenever we get the chance to see live music in Bariloche, we try to. Last night Los Nocheros played a show ...