Archive for September, 2007

South American Guanaco

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Written by Jamie On our recent trip to Esquel, we were treated to seeing the Guanaco. These animals are part of the camel family. They are about 5 feet tall and weigh up to 200 lbs. They can ran 35 mph ...

What’s Going on in My Country?

Thursday, September 20th, 2007 Posted in culture, day to day | 2 Comments »

Written by Jamie Something we learned after moving to Argentina; we receive both CNN and FOX News through our Direct TV. I feel that these two media outlets don't reflect what is really going on in the US. It does make for interesting ...

The Pacific Bell Award in Argentina

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007 Posted in business, day to day | 7 Comments »

Written by Shanie There are two things that the Argentine culture has taught me: patience truly is a virtue and go with the flow, it's easier that way. This became apparent to me after a phone call from ADT, the alarm company for our ...

Process of Buying Real Estate in Patagonia

Monday, September 17th, 2007 Posted in business, real estate, zona frontera, zona seguridad | 12 Comments »

Written by Jamie Whenever a person interested in real estate in Bariloche asks me about the situation, I always explain to them how the title process works. There is a lot of misinformation, rumors, etc about this. The following information is ...

Article in UK Telegraph about Buying Property in Argentina

Monday, September 17th, 2007 Posted in business, real estate | 1 Comment »

Written by Jamie Although all the facts aren't totally correct, here is a 2 page article on Argentine real estate in today's Britan Telegraph.

Dreaming of Las Leñas

Sunday, September 16th, 2007 Posted in lifestyle, sports | 3 Comments »

Written by Jamie This Sunday afternoon finds me in my office working on the computer yet again. I'm not complaining, it certainly could be worse. My mind keeps flashing back to some big mountain, steep skiing. After 20 years as a ...

My Argentine Family

Sunday, September 16th, 2007 Posted in lifestyle | 15 Comments »

Written by Shanie When we told our friends and family that we were going to live full time in Argentina many thought we were crazy, some wished they could do the same and some wanted to disown us. We did it ...

Finally getting Health Insurance

Saturday, September 15th, 2007 Posted in day to day | 8 Comments »

Written by Jamie We finally purchased health insurance the other day. We had been under the mindset of paying as needed should something happen to one of us. Since medical costs are so low here, we thought this was a good ...

Driving in Argentina

Thursday, September 13th, 2007 Posted in culture, day to day | 8 Comments »

Written by Jamie Not a day goes by when I don't see something ridiculous happen on the roadways. I remember when we first visited Buenos Aires on our honeymoon in 2002. We were leaving a club really late (ie 6 am) and ...

The Varying Times of the Setting Sun

Thursday, September 13th, 2007 Posted in day to day, weather | 1 Comment »

Written by Shanie After a productive day doing work on the computers, Jamie and I decided to take the dogs for a run on one of the beautiful neighborhood trails. The hour was getting late and I was wondering if we ...