Phrase of the Week

October 24th, 2007 Posted in culture, phrase of the week

The word bola (ball) is a common word but it also has many different slang versions that are useful to know.

The phrase “dar(verb) bola” means to give the ball, literally, or to pay attention to (example:  no me da bola = he doesn’t pay attention to me).  This phrase is believed to originate from the Argentines passion for soccer.

Hinchar(verb) las bolas“ colloquially means to be annoying or a pain in the butt.

En bolas” has a few different meanings.  It means to be naked or to be in a bad situation (exposed).  For example: No me dejaste en bolas (You didn’t leave me in a bad situation).

This handy bit of slang was handed down from the kind author James Bracken in his oh-so-helpful book “¡Che Boludo!”. 

  1. 2 Responses to “Phrase of the Week”

  2. By Rick on Apr 4, 2008

    Nice site! Great pics ! Just recently returned from seeing the extended family in Sampacho, Cordoba & B.A.

    Here is word my daughter earned from her cousins in B.A.

    “Morfar” = To EAT!

    Boston, MA

  3. By Patagonia on Apr 4, 2008

    Gracias, good to know. Saludos, Jamie

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