10 Observations from my Last Trip to the States

May 12th, 2008 Posted in day to day, lifestyle

Written by Jamie

I have been back home in Patagonia for about a week, and have had a chance to reflect back on my visit to Lake Tahoe. Similar to my post in October, I wanted to list some of my observations on the differences between my old home and my new home.

1. Trash cans and recycling bins-They are everywhere and are being used.

2. Police cars-Shiny and new, and there are many of them.

3.Traffic signal cameras-This was weird to see everywhere, and unfortunately, appeared to have caught us in the act.

4. Smooth roads-Though this is an obvious difference, I had sort of forgotten driving on smooth pavement and not having to pay as much attention for pot holes, etc.

5. For sale signs with prices-For sale signs do exist in Argentina, but it is very rare to actually have a price on them.

6. Big bathrooms-After 3 years in Argentina, I have grown use to using a small bathroom. It was strange to be back home in these gigantic and very clean bathrooms.

7. Water fountains-I had forgotten about those, instead we have hot water dispensers for mate.

8.Doors-Automatically opening, screen doors, etc. Doors are definitely more advanced in the States.

9.Brochures and Flyers-Not only are they everywhere, but of a very high quality, often times glossy with good pictures. In Patagonia, they are more of the photo copy variety.

10.Cash back-Another convenience thing Argentina has yet to grasp. It sure was nice to buy something, use my card, and get some extra spending money.

  1. 3 Responses to “10 Observations from my Last Trip to the States”

  2. By Longhorn Dave on May 13, 2008

    Doors? I thought I was the only one. Especially the elevators. I keep wondering why they can’t be a single door that opens automatically like in the states.

  3. By Longhorn Dave on May 13, 2008

    BTW.. I hope you guys aren’t getting any more ash.

  4. By Patagonia on May 14, 2008

    No ash here, but the flights have been cancelled for over a week.

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